Covid-19 UPDATE – MONDAY 19 July Onwards

Covid-19 UPDATE – MONDAY 19 July Onwards

As the country’s legal restrictions are relaxed from Monday 19th July, businesses are still being asked to be careful as the case numbers are still very high. So for the time being, some restrictions / requirements will still be in place at the studio. In saying that almost all studio services can be provided – the website will be updated to reflect this better over the next few weeks, so if a question mark remains, please ask for more info.

In summary:-

  • Please wear a mask if you wish when entering / leaving the studio
  • Please use hand sanitiser regularly especially if touching props etc
  • Please stay in the zoned area for customers unless instructed by the photographer
  • Please wash hands thoroughly if using the toilet facilities
  • Please give Track & Trace details or use the QR code in the studio
  • Please let the studio know if you suffering symptoms or have been asked to self-isolate (ideally before travelling here, so the appointment can be rearranged)
  • Please note there may be restrictions on the size of groups for a shoot – ask for details when booking as dependent on how many households involved.

Thanks you for your patience and look forward to removing all restrictions soon!

Andy Harris – JFYP Studio

Phone: 01709 875528 or 07803 710700
Text: 07803 710700

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